Too Many Reasons & None at all

I never thought about starting a blog.

It’s just not in my nature to automatically share my thoughts with anyone, especially not with people I don’t know.

But here I am.

For some reason I feel like I have to share. Whether or not anyone reads it is beside the point. All I know is that the Lord is asking me to do this. Why? I have no idea. I’m like the least qualified person. This is a BIG step of faith to even put this much of myself out here.

What I do know is that I’ve grown so much in the past couple of years. I’ve come to know that my voice has value - intrinsic value - because of the One who created it. And that One has taught me so much about life, love, art, and everything in between. I can no longer keep it to myself. I think Jesus is calling me to use the voice He’s given me.

In the past few years of discovering that my voice has value I’ve experienced both fruits and sorrows.

The Lord has allowed me to see and experience the fruits of using my voice for Him by sharing what He’s taught me through my own experiences in the form of deeper friendships and the awesome responsibility of being a vessel of His Holy Spirit.

I’ve also experienced the consequences and sorrows of not using my voice in a failed relationship, being taken advantage of, and feeling invisible and unknown.

I know that by myself I never have anything valuable to say. But when I let the Holy Spirit lead and speak through me, there’s no doubt it will have impact.


So what’s the real purpose of this blog? I have a bunch that I can think of. Maybe too many. I might use this blog for sharing thoughts on faith and the Bible, sharing my design process, giving updates on where the Lord leads me in life and career, tips for working as a creative in a very secular industry…

But it’s not my reasons that matter. Only one reason really matters. I guess it’s not really a reason at all. It’s actually a passion - what drives me to live and love and create.

It’s Jesus.

Savior of my soul. Abba. The Friend who sticks closer than a brother (or a sister in my case!). Guide. Protector. Counselor. Creator. Breath in my lungs. My Peace. My Strength. The One who is above all others. The One who gives grace upon grace upon grace. The One who showers His children with love even when they don’t love Him back.

And I feel like He’s called me to start this blog. My reasons for each post might all be different. Maybe no one ever reads this. And if people do, maybe they won’t like it or they won’t agree with me. But none of that really matters.

I know that the only thing that really counts in starting this blog is simply being obedient to the call I feel He placed on my heart for such a time as this.

I haven’t always answered His calls. I have plenty of examples I can share of ways that I’ve failed Him and how He still turned it into something good. Maybe I will share some of them, I don’t know.

The purpose and my prayer for this very new venture into blogging is that I would say only what the Lord tells me to say - only what will bring Him glory and only what is helpful for building others up. If only one person reads this and it helps them to be encouraged in Jesus and to know that they’re not alone, then that’s more than I could ever hope for.

So here goes!


This is… Me