This is… Me

Before I get started on some of the topics I’ve been thinking about addressing on here, I thought it might be helpful to know a little bit about the person behind the words.

So here’s the basics:

So that’s me. I hope it doesn’t scare you away that I run to Kenny G songs (as well as a lot of other music my sister says is definitely NOT appropriate for running haha).

Even though I sometimes feel left out because I don’t have the same interests in shows or movies or music or parties, I’ve come to terms with the fact that we’re all different. Different doesn’t mean wrong. It means different! Unique! Distinctive!

Differences are what make us chosen. Our interests and passions are things that God can use to connect us to others and to glorify His Name.

What are some of your hobbies and favorite things? Let’s get to know each other!


Training to Trust


Too Many Reasons & None at all